CLS offers onsite workshops, off-site retreats and individualized coaching in a variety of topics:
Assessment, Instruction, & School Transformation
Formative Assessment 101. A three-professional development workshop designed for teachers and school-based curriculum specialists. Emphasis placed on formative assessment basics and practical classroom tools.
Re-Discovering Formative Assessment. A six-hour exploration of the formative assessment process, including practical strategies for teachers and school administrators. This session is ideal for whole-school, one-day professional development.
Formative Assessment Academy. CLS's cornerstone series of workshops, the Academy is five 0ngoing sessions scheduled at your convenience that allow for a deep, collegial study of the formative assessment process. These workshops are tailored for your group's needs and are equally appropriate for district-wide leadership teams and school-based professional learning communities.
Implementing high quality instructional rounds in your school or district. Based on the work of Richard Elmore and his colleagues at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, instructional rounds provide a revolutionary way to engage teachers and school leaders in meaningful dialogue about instructional practice. CLS consultants provide comprehensive training on all aspects of instructional rounds, from understanding the process to establishing and facilitating your own rounds network.
Differentiating the classroom and school. A six-hour session for teachers exploring ways to differentiate instruciton, as well as logistical solutions to difficulties encountered when differentiating classroom instruciton.
Differentiating instruction for school leaders. A three-hour introduction immersing instrucitonal leaders in the differentation process. This session emphasizes coaching and leadership.
Contemplative Leadership
Enhancing your effectiveness through contemplative leadership. Drawing on the world’s great wisdom traditions, contemplative leadership provides an approach to communication, team building and conflict management that emphasizes the deepest aspects of the human spirit. CLS consultants provide a variety of workshops and retreats to introduce leaders from education, business, and ministry to the contemplative leadership approach and offer practices for transforming the workplace and your individual work life.
The Enneagram Personality Typing System
The Enneagram Personality Typing System is one of the most powerful tools available for discovering the inner motivations and habits of mind that profoundly shape your leadership, relationships, and communication with others. CLS consultants are experienced Enneagram facilitators who have trained hundreds of educators in how to use the Enneagram system to enhance their leadership, build stronger faculty teams, and nurture positive classroom environments.
Introduction to the Enneagram: Getting to Know Yourself and How You Communicate. In this three-hour interactive workshop, participants will explore the nine core personality types of the Enneagram, determine their own individual type, and reflect on ways their Enneagram personality type shapes their communication patterns at work and in everyday life. Ideal for those new to the Enneagram, or for leaders seeking to introduce the Enneagram to their entire faculty or team.
The Enneagram: Transforming Your Leadership, Your School, and Your Classroom. This interactive, six-hour session includes all of the components of the 3 hour introductory workshop, but also features reflection and discussion activities on how the Enneagram personality typing system can improve your approach to conflict, teamwork, and leadership. Participants will also explore implications of the Enneagram for classroom climate and differentiation.
The Enneagram Leadership Series. After your leadership team has a working familiarity with the nine Enneagram personality types, this five -session workshop series (of 1.5 hours each), which is available in either face-to-face or virtual formats, will take participants deeper by using the Enneagram to develop individual leadership growth plans and explore specific applications to the work of school administration and teacher leadership.
All workshops are fully customizable to each individual school or district’s needs, and prices are negotiable based on such considerations.